Monday, October 6, 2008


A while ago my favouritist quilt shop, The QUilters CAbin in the country area of MAraekakaho closed down. Unfortunately I was in an extreme frugal state of mind when the owners bought their remaining things to town to sell off at very marked prices. I really didnt take advantage like I should have but one thing I did do was stuff this bag full of leftover fabrics for 5.00. SOme fat quarters, fat eighths and a myriad of gorgeous fabrics were to be had . I have been holding on to this stash especially for myChristmas tree skirt and so I was delighted to be able to poke around in here.

And so to the progress report. Actually I started off quite enjoying the applique (I do the blanket stitch method) but it soon became evident why I dont like applique. Its just all the faffing around, ironing vislieofix, peeling, re ironing, positioning, putting wrong things on, tearing off etc etc.. Then blanket stitching around everything while the smaller peices fall off anyway with all the manouvouring around this huge thing!
But I have made some progress and for that i am thankful. After all the appliqueing is done, then comes a ton of embroidary to the wadding, then a few rash cuts, a few ties added, a few scallops sewn on, the backing sewn the whole thing turned inside out and sucked out again on the right side and -fingers crossed- sucess..

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