Thursday, September 17, 2009

A fun night out at Spotlight!!

I had an enjoyable night out at Spotlight. our local one here had a quilting night. We got to use some flash machines, make these little walhangings, got a bag of goodies and lots of chat to like minded people.
It was so funny because i am embracing massive frugily again as a way to get more positive aout the future in the country. And I only spent $5.00 in total. On this metre of country type material. It was on clearance and so were two other coordinating fabrics (used in the wallhangings), I felt OK spending $5.00 but not spending 10.00 or 20.00 dollars. As I was looking for this material i came across a whole lot of remnants cut up on the counter and I cheekily asked the manager if i could have them cheaply..there were a lot...he gave them to me!!!! I felt very lucky.
As we were using the machines i was amazed that that the thread threaded itself by pushing a lever. Then my friend said "Oh yours does that"!! How long have I had this machine?! I really must learn how to read manuals (Also where I put said Manual!)

This is the pile of remnants...doest look much in this photo but there is heaps!

My wallhanging/cushion cover/table top..

Whats up with all these photos!! Sometime computers can go mad

Monday, September 7, 2009

Another one for the cupboard...

My crazy mom quilts block a day along is finished..Yah!! Of course its not quilted...

So its added to the pile from this years quilt tops. You know when I didnt see these tops but remmebered their sad existence in the darks of the cupboard, they seemed so much more. But here the pile looks doable somehow...
But not right now. No Now Im doing my sheep wallhanging quilt you might remember from a while a back when i bought an (expensive) Fons and porter magazine. Since then Ive lost the total and abxolute love for this hanging but Ill plug away anyway. Its very rustic and very hangable in a country abode...
Lots of great quilting to you,
Love Cherry

Sunday, September 6, 2009

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So today is The raggedy annes birthday so i am posting mine:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Spring and other things

Yes i know Ive been a bad blogger but life has a way of taking up all spare time lately. What i have been doing is putting up my Halloween quilt in lieu of our annual halloween/ guy fawkes party in early november. I love this quilt...thanks Homespun magazine. ive also been planting peas for Christmas dinner and onions and piked my first ever harvest of spinach (which i boiled up with some silver beet and froze) Great to have that first little bit of success in the spring garden. Oh and my lemon tree that I bought two years ago has sprung its first ever lemon!!!! all about the simple things.

ive b een getting quite down on the whole living on the land thing and last night I happened upon a blog i dont read anywhere near as
often as i should. Its here and the post is at the end of August from the Frugal trenches writer. This lady shares my dream and like us that dream is financially not on the cards right now. BUT she is endeavouring to live the country life as much as she can while living in the city. Well it was an inspiring bit of writing and really cheered me up. I hope youll stop by and read her blog.
As for me Im going to be tearing up part of our back garden and planting a vege patch..which should make a change from finding vege plants all over the garden. I stopped buying flowes a while ago and now just buy plantes that will produce food, however room is at a premium. I think this will look good when we do sell as most people are into backyard planting. Now how can I fit a couple of chooks in with the dog???!!!
I need to go actually as said dog has escaped and is somewhere on the 2o acre park that backs on to our garden. Nor sure how he did this I think he must have made a dash through out open bedrooom door and then out the front way....little devil...
Happiness and light wherever you are. Oh the photo of the quilt is the crazy mom quilt along I want to finish....
love Cherry