Mmm Gorgeous hubby set off 15 miles out to sea in search of Tuna. Its the first one Ive seen that wasnt on the canned shelves of Pac n Save! We smoked it and can I just say that it is delicious with crackers, a bit of Philly cream cheese and a freshly picked Roma tomatoes from the garden. I feel the lovely taste of tuna should be preserved somehow but Ive never preserved fish before and now this one is smoked anyhow. But..any suggestions on this would be appreciated.
The Aussie fires have made me sick to my stomach the tales of the death and devastation. I have given to the Red cross-which Im pleased to say is 100% monies to the appeal, but I really want to give something solid as well, something tactile. All these people who have lost everything. Does anyone (in NZ) know of an appeal collecting quilts, or such like for the victims. I did see a lady on TV collecting clothing and baby goods for the victims and Qantas was providing the transport. Surely some Quilted minded people being the generous things they are know of something or are keen to join in on this idea??
Happy thoughts
The fires are just heartbreaking! I sure hope it all stops soon!
That looks like a big tuna!!! I'm sure you all will enjoy eating it! :)
That is some tuna!
The fires are heartbreaking - I hope there is relief soon!
She looks like her Dad
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