Saturday, December 20, 2008

Computer Virus has kept me away..

But now its time to catch up again with whats been up around here. Firstly although I love and adore the primitive decorating style I cant quite help myself from buying Christmas decorations like shoes for our tree. I bought two different ones for the girls when I happened upon a 50% off Christmas decs sale at Farmers the other day. I loved the shoes and gave them to the girls..Its a shoe Alex said in a dissapointed tone. Oh well cant win em all!!

Yah school holidays are here!!! Yah Yah Yah!! I love everything about the girls school activiites. I help out all over the place, working bees, car pools, reading help etc etc. I LOVE the girls after school activiites. I am the mum who does the wardrobes

the costumes, the makeup, the prompts, the hair. I do door sales, fundraising spend 80 per cent of time driving between rehearsals, venues shows. And I love it all!!!! But by December I. AM. POOPED. I have nothing left!! Completely drained of all enthusiasm and ideas, I couldnt sew together a costume or primp up some hair if I was paid!! So YAH YAh YAH the holidays. Sleep ins, pjs til noon, mussed up hair all day. Fantastic. I am however rearing to go with Christmas Joy and seasonal bottling and jam making tasks. And because as usual I have began writing before the photos had downloaded I am now stuck with phpts everywhere and text not where I wanted it. SO the top pic is of my apricots bottled. Im not doind a lot of preserved (canned if you are an American) apricots. The jam however is a favourite so I must do some more of this before or soon after Christmas .

The photos above them are my girls schools end of year presentations. Little Laex wona class prize. (above) I think I squealed aloud when they called out her name ! (embarressing parent I know) Then they gave out a new cup for Year three creative writing and my heart was in my mouth because Georgia is the top creative writer, but then I remembered the girl who was on a par with Georgia but was pout up a class earlier this year. And she got it. (I hope I didnt go awww out loud..did I!?)

The juniors for which georgia will not be next year did a song the silly hat song. They all had to wear silly hats. Just pulled out the wearable art ones I made earlier in the year for the library programme. Glad they came in handy again!

I have been using my triangle template to make and cut out what seems like squillions of stars for my Flyboy quilt. Handsewing these is sometimes enjoyable sometime tedious but I am getting them done and if I can mark quarter inch lines on them will be an excellant sewing idea to take with me when we go camping these holidays. Ill post some pictures next time.

Im so enjoying everyones blogs this Christmas, all the decs. I am such a fan of the old primitive look and cant get enough of these blogs at Christmas. I must set up a list for like minded people.

Its windy here again. The wind is driving us all crazy. Hubby is forever seen scooping up leaces out of the pool and swearing quietly under his breath. He goes away for work and wont be back until Christmas eve day. so Ill be able to buy his gift while he is gone. Hes really going out in the wops and so wont be near any stores to buy me anything. I dont want anything!!!

Have a great five days to go!!

love Cherry

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Loved reading this post!!!

You an an awesome mum for helping out so much at school - good on you!!!

You deserve a well earned break.

Oh my I mustn't of read gardening mag well enough I will sit with a cuppa tea at morning tea time & look for you!!

Have an awesome Christmas

Love Leanne