Today we all went back to School..yes, me included!!Over the school hols in the most uncomplicated and basic way I secured a job working every morning at the local school here!! I was so glad and so excited! And i truly loved it. My class is biligual so the teacher talks frequently in Maori but the curriculum is delivered in English.
After the show all through the holidays I was absolutely shattered with a tiredness I havent felt in ages and the housework has gone to hell in a handbasket. However having this job has inspired me when I come home to tackle (and enjoy the cleaning up!!) I think its the being away from home and seeing the house through new eyes later on..I hope it lasts.
I was handsewing some of my flybaby scrap quilt in between wardrobe breaks at Sinbad (Thats the quilt that suspiciously looks like a gestapo souvenir..) but only managed a few blocks. I ran out of triangles so I picked up the knitting needles and started making dishclothes as well. I made one with some cheap yarn that was a soy cotton mix and thankfully it is lovely to clean with. I have bamboo mixes too but Im always scared they wont wash well. Theres something very pioneering about knitting dishclothes that throws me back (in my ,mind) to a hundred years ago. And I enjoy that feeling!! Im mindfull though that our pioneers were mostly sewing and knitting through a need and it was required work as oppossed to my enjoying it as a hobby.
It seems as if I havent blogged in an age but its been all show show show show late nights,sleep ins and meals on the run this holidays. It didnt feel like Easter at all and it certainly didnt feel like Anzac day for me..however i did get our three poppies for my Great Uncles killed in WW1 . For Angus, Murdoch and Robert. The girls always hear of their sacrifice and know their names but especially at this time of year. I like to go to the Waipawa Hall on Anzac day for the service and it is so poignant to me that that very hallwas were they enjoyed dances, local get togethers, shows ans were they were seen off as they left our shore for france and belgium. My own Granddad went to sign up and he was told to go home he only had a year to live so great was his pleurisy..he lived to 85 !!
The garden is beginning to thin down now..I have attacked it,pulled up the annuals and trimmed some bushes. I wanted the annuals to really go to seed just to see if they self plant next season..always a nice gift in the spring to see these surprises come up!
I must go and attempt to gain some control on the house.
Happy housekeeping to you all
Love Cherry
Yet more produce from the garden
5 months ago