Thursday, June 24, 2010

preserving pickles and the perils of the poultry et al

Still humming along with this quilt. I am finding it fiddly but that is only because I thought I could make it less complicated than the pattern strip peicing instructions. I now see I was wrong...
Homesteading in the kitchen: As you can see I have done a spot of preserving red onions. They did not come out of the garden, nor did the spiced venegar emerge from within this house, BUT the dried chiilies sprinkled about the mix were grown here about two years ago aged and dried and now (finally) have a purpose.

About the poultry:
I came home at lunch but couldnt stay as I had to coach netball at Twyford School then run some errands for my Mum who is in the rest home. Between lunch and when i finally came in the door at three, Christmas had (again) flown the fence and been nearly gobled up by Sam the less than friendly to the feathered, labrodor. She had marks in the back of her neck and feathers missing etc. I could strangle that dog. Honestly. Anyone want a maniac purebred lab!?? I can only hope that Christmas remains infection free. She certainly has been tough in the past. This of course puts the gulf between man and dog even further. have I mentioned the GHIU has a tenuous relationship with the dog?? It is now set to crash to an all time low. The dog has been punished in all ways and forms and still does this to the chook . I need some help please!

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