Saturday, May 30, 2009

Busy times sewing..

Ihave been flat out sewing in my not-at-school times. I really wanted to get the quilt for Alex done but the accuracy seems not to have been the best..this is due to me cutting out with scissors as my two year old blade had really done its dash(!) and when I have come to piece the pinwheels I did some wrong as well, but plowed on regardless. I began to add sashings and had material half sewn, partly sewn and not sewn at all was seriously worrying me soooo last night I stayed up late and sewed as much of the quilt together as I could. Now at least I know where I am with the thing, but oh the accuracy.I have MADE the sashings line up as best I can in a method I call my "They WILL line up or Ill die trying!!!" It has sort of worked. Thats to say it wouldnt be noticed by a lay person but would never win a quilt show prize!! Alex has also been sewing up a storm.It is great to teach her but she is so impatient and loses her temper so it is a lesson fraught with high tension. She made a fish!!

And this is the mess Ive been trying to deal with while sewing. This morning I got stuck in and I am now ready to complete the second half of the qwuilt. This time I will more organised and less stresse. I think I know what I am doing now.
Alex loves useing the sewing machine..and of course wearing her fake whitches nails always helps the creative process!!
There is a storm brewing outside or as they formally say on the tv a ploar blast from the South! ANd we are down to the last of the forewood..Oop I do seem to remember GHIU nagging on at me sometime last week about the urgent need to buy some wood..Oops!!! I am really feeling the pain of not collecting pinecones over the summer months too, Ill have to resurrect this activity again!
Have a happy quilty day wherever you are
Love Chilly cheery Cherry

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Stay warm!! :) Glad you are getting some sewing time in and she looks like she is doing a wonderful job! Love the NAILS! :)